Friday, April 14, 2006

Proposed Methods of worship with a concern for on-line business

Proposal #1 A Friend proposes that:

Friends who wish to involve themselves in this process either as contributors or as eventual end-users of the document could make a public declaration on their own blogs that we will be faithful to the Books of Discipline from the meeting(s) to which we are members and/or affiliate ourselves and that as way opens we will encourage our respective Yearly Meetings to include statements on right use of internet resources.

In the introduction to a member's blog, something close to this, as one is led may read:
Statement of Faithfulness.
As a member of the Quaker Bloggers Ad Hoc Committee I affirm that I will be faithful to the Book of Discipline of my Meeting _______ Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.


Blogger Lorcan said...

Sugestions and proposed minutes would be made in the comments sections, then when we seem to be near or at unity, I move them into the posts, proposed advices or such, where their can still be laboring with them until unity, when there is unitiy they are moved to the Advices post.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Lorcan said...

From David the friendly Kwakeasaur

I appreciate the desire for such a faith and practice - but at the same time -- I have my doubts. Two in particular.

One. I remain unconvinced that the collection of Quaker and semi-Quaker bloggers and web-surfers out there consistitutes a community.

This doubt may be answered by the success or failure of thsi attempt. That is, if Quaking bloggeres can get together enough to create this Faith & Practice, perhaps in the process we can create that community that I don't think exists yet.

Two. A Faith & Practice. A Book of Discipline. These are monumental tasks taking commitment and time. The task itself is intimidating. And this could scuttle the project.

Two suggestions for resolving "doubt two". First suggestion is that the project be broken into managable chunks. Choose an area where some kind of some sort of agreement is most urgent -- speaking truth in love, advices and queries, resolution of conflicts, website content -- whichever it is -- and co-draft a statement on that one first and then move onto another and so on and so forth. I guess I'm asking for a more well defined starting point than simply a Faith & Practice.

Second suggestion: Friends who wish to involve themsleves in this process either as contributers or as eventual end-users of the document could make a public declaration on their own blogs that until such time as a workable Faith & Practice emerges from this process, we will be faithful to the Books of Discipline from the meeting(s) to which we are members and/or affiliate ourselves and that as way opens we will encourage our respective Yearly Meetings to include statements on right use of internet resources.

2:11 PM  
Blogger Lorcan said...

Hi David:
I have taken the liberty of posting thy second proposal, as it is simple, the first, I think takes seasoning together, as it is a more complex idea, and may take some more input before we are ready for a minute, yes?

2:26 PM  
Blogger Rich in Brooklyn said...

This feels wrong to me. I should be faithful to the Faith and Practice of New York Yearly Meeting "until such time as a workable Faith and Practice" emerges online? Probably unintentionally, this gives the impression that eventually this online Faith and Practice will supplant the actual Faith and Practice of Friends' own Yearly Meetings. I think I should be faithful to the Faith and Practice of my Yearly Meeting until such time as I cease to be a member of it.

In my opinion, it is not in good order for self-defined groups such as bloggers to presume to set up their own Faith and Practice.

"Rich Accetta-Evans (Brooklyn Quaker

9:06 AM  
Blogger Lorcan said...

I agree with thy catching that phrase, though I don't think it was the intent of the writer that this would replace our meetings Faith and Practice.

As to good order, well, we are members of diverse Quaker meetings, and are, at present, there are not a lot of expressed advices that apply to international, interstate Quaker immidiate publication and conversation... that is something that was beyond the imagination of Friends until now. If this were self described Quakers, I would agree completely, but as to come into the process of unity, one must be a member, I expect us to be informed by our meetings Faith and Practice.

Check back at the suggested minite to see if the language more applies...
Thine in the light

9:36 AM  

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